NEW ART Collection
" Delineated" painting by Pradeep About "Delineated" The painting seems to have an esoteric ap...
" Delineated" painting by Pradeep About "Delineated" The painting seems to have an esoteric appeal and the artist would want onlookers to rely on their instincts and experiences to view the piece. It requires the viewer to look inwards to bring out their creative vision as a source of inspiration to give meaning to this piece of art. It is an opportunity for the viewer to ‘create’ something that would be individualistic in nature. This would help to lift the spirit of viewers while keeping...
"Artistic ‘Reflections’" painting by Mano About "Artistic ‘Reflections’" The painting skillfully...
"Artistic ‘Reflections’" painting by Mano About "Artistic ‘Reflections’" The painting skillfully expresses the real world without the actual lines and limitations. The creative openness of the artist is apparent, and enables the viewer to see the painting from an individualistic perspective. Abstraction is beautiful with its ability to allow the viewer freedom to assign their own understanding. The artist’s finely honed sense of color and composition and deep understanding of brushstrokes is...
"Demonic Expression" painting by Bipad About "Demonic Expression" While not particularly apparen...
"Demonic Expression" painting by Bipad About "Demonic Expression" While not particularly apparent, the figure created appears to be an abstract demonic one. The treatment of this figure is different and open to interpretation – the mood seems somber given the careless strokes of color against a black infinite background. It is not clear as to whether the figure is male or female but the portrayal seems to emphasize that the evil has come about by being wounded through trials and suffering. T...
"Painful Existence" painting by Bipad About" Painful Existence" The artist has excelled at captur...
"Painful Existence" painting by Bipad About" Painful Existence" The artist has excelled at capturing pain – displayed through arrows and blood. The painting seems to depict the struggles and tribulations that humankind undergoes consistently for a variety of reasons. Melancholy, loneliness, pain, and alienation of the human existence have been powerfully captured. The portrayal of human beings becoming lonely, turning against themselves, and the inability of communicating their pain despite d...